My future job

 It is very difficult to think about the future and especially what to expect in a few years. So far, I only have areas of interest, for example, organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds.

Now imagining myself in 3 or 4 more years I would like to see myself in a research laboratory discovering or contributing to the advancement of technology through Chemical sciences. If this work must be out of doors, go to different places where research doesn't yet exist and contribute with my knowledge. I have always liked to discover the origins of human beings and how they developed on the planet, having the opportunity to collaborate with the area of anthropology, I would be more than grateful. Now being able to travel is a privilege, but if you have the opportunity, you have to take advantage of it, to recognize the global advancement of science and to know places. Where the greatest exponents of each area are located is a dream come true. 

I feel that when you work with what you do like, money takes a back seat, but the remuneration must be enough for me to have a pleasant life.

We hope that in years that is written will come true.


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